You may have read in my journals of one decadence I enjoy when Governess Lexi visits me. I find it very decadent to go up to bed for a lovely afternoon sleep for a hour or so. So when Lexi is here for the weekend, I do so and have Governess Lexi ‘babysit’ bitch-boy while I sleep. Well I have devised a way I can have my decadent nap even when I have no one here to ‘babysit’ bitch-boy.

Yesterday I was a little tired and poor bitch-boy was colouring-in with his dolly. Just full of both shame and tedium at the same time. Of course, using his hated timer as part of the of activity.

I announced I was going up to bed for an hour or so for a lovely nap and once he was prepared, he must carry on playing with his dolly, colouring-in, until I had finished my nap. He looked very confused. I padlocked his heavy rubber collar around his neck, so it could not be removed. I then chained the collar to a ring in the ceiling beam above him with a uniquely numbered plastic padlock. (A plastic padlock he could break so he could escape and wake me in an emergency). I then buckled a spiked leather strap around his flaccid clitty and padlocked his lockable plastic panties on him so he could not touch himself. I took a photo on my phone of the page he was colouring-in. I aimed a baby monitor at him. I spoke with amusement.

“Now then pansy piece I am going up for a lovely nap. You are going to carry on colouring-in with dolly while I do so. I will have the baby monitor receiver with me and so I will be able to monitor you while I am dropping off and also if I wake momentarily, and finally when I do wake up properly at the end of my nap. You will not know when I am awake or asleep, so you had better follow all the rules with the two minute timer and the whole sentences in your exchanges with dolly or you will get 50 hard strokes of the cane, preceded by a warm-up with the quirt. When I come back down, I will also compare how much has been coloured-in with the photo I just took. If you do finish the page you are on, simply begin the next page.

I know it is just so cruel and unfair that you will be suffering this deep shame and tedium with me not even in the room, and for a good proportion of the time, with me not even being awake. But your life is all about unfairness isn’t it. So that is that.”

I slowly drifted off to the sounds of the very miserable bitch-boy in verbal exchanges with his dolly and my power rush and sense of decadence was so extreme, I did have to make use of my massager for a lovely orgasm before sleep overtook me.

(It all went so well and made bitch-boy so miserable that I subsequently used the same technique while I sat outdoors in the sunshine.)

LINK to the published journals providing full details of my life.

Link to my published BDSM manual.

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Source: Ms Scarlet

Cruel Decadence Extended