Read This Daily To Begin Your Day.

  1. Today I will ask my wife what I can do for her multiple times throughout the day.
  2. I place my wife’s priorities first and then tackle my own.
  3. I accept my wife as my ultimate authority and will obey her at all times.
  4. I surrender my orgasms to my wife and do not pressure her for sex.
  5. I focus on romantic things to make my wife feel better about having sex with me.
  6. With my wife’s permission, I will caress her body for a half hour today with no reciprocal expectations.
  7. Today I will do 3 things that my wife loves without her asking.
  8. Today I accept my position as her serving partner in all life matters.
  9. Today I will only watch porn that deepens my submission to my wife.
  10. Today I will tell my wife that I love her and will follow her lead.