sissy slut

How Devoted Is The Sissy Slut

It starts when you get me home and undress. You have your latex outfit on that lets your tits spill out. I am pulled inside and am obedient and ready. I just want to pass the sissy slut test and get to have sex with my mistress for the first time. You won’t let me forget that this is my one shot to impress you, so I need to follow your instructions. You bind my hands and smile as you pull my pants to reveal sissy lace panties that you told me to wear. “At least you can follow directions,” as you bend me over the table and pull my panties to the side.

I would surely beg then as my plastic chastity cage tightened as you fill my ass with your fat rubber dick. “No you dumb sissy slut, first test is I want to see how devoted you are and how far you will go to earn real sex and pass my test, so I’m not letting you out until I make you spray from that little sissy clit of yours. I just want to watch you squirt cum like a helpless little girl in your pretty little panties.” You got on, “Now say, “Thank you for letting me have a sissygasm, Mistress.”

His Sissy Clit

You slap my ass hard as I jump, “Now ride this dick slut, let me in and loosen up,” You push inside me and spread my legs. “Now!” You lean over with your cock in my ass. My ass clenches, as you force it down further. “Just relax and accept this giant cock in your ass. I am going to fuck this nice ass of yours as long and as hard as it takes until I see that nice sissy clit of yours squirt all over.” You thrust, “What’s wrong? Your sissy clit isn’t getting all excited, I can fix that.”

You grab a vibrator and send pulses to my cage, you continue to sodomize me and the pain and pleasure are electric. I tell you I am going to cum, but you release the vibrator and the feeling fades. “You only cum when I say sissy slut. Is that clear?” As you lower the vibrator back down to touch my chastity. “Oh by the way, you failed the test, I don’t fuck sissies, nor would I have a sissy husband, real men who never wear a chastity cage and take this rubber dick up their ass like you and cum like a true sissy slut. We are only going to fuck like this.” I barely could hear as my dick erupted and I let out a loud moan.

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The post The Sissy Slut Test appeared first on Femdom BDSM Lifestyle Magazine.

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