
The changing face of the family unit in the 21st century.

With mortgages almost impossible to afford in many western countries, the spiralling cost of living, the inexorable rise in female power in society and the growth and acceptance of female-led relationships isn’t it time to have a serious rethink about how family units are composed in the future. The days of the patriarchal led, father, mother, 2.2 kids nuclear family unit are surely not best suited to the modern world and the needs of women in the 21st century. 

More appropriate is the creation of a new extended family unit, consisting of an Alpha female mistress and an Alpha female apprentice, on assignment to a household until the time came when she was experienced enough to take over a household of her own. Serving the Alpha female would be an Alpha bull, in service to the Alpha female for breeding and pleasure purposes. 

Attached to each household would be two or three beta males and similarly a beta male apprentice. Beta male rank and special skills would be denoted by the colour of their chastity cuffs  as we see above –  a pink chastity cuff denotes a sissy with specialist skills in domestic service and alpha male pleasuring, green skilled with gardening and yard work, black – senior rank beta male qualified to train and mentor apprentice betas and lead other betas within a household – a bit like a butler in earlier times, white – qualified in nannying and early stage childcare, metal – skilled in DIY and building work .  Alpha females could loan and trade their beta males with other households as needs require. For instance, an alpha female with young infants might require two White Cuffs for a period of time.  

Within each household would also be one or two beta females, more senior in rank than the beta males, but subservient to the alpha females, and tasked with breeding with the beta males ( under alpha female supervision ) to produce the next generation of betas, and overseeing and training them in domestic duties. With an alpha female, alpha male, beta female and a couple of the beta males in full-time employment the earning power of such units and their compatibility with the furtherance and acceptance of female power, would make them a far more suitable family unit for the direction of travel in the 21st century.     

Source: Femdom Planet


The changing face of the…