Pole Kisses

The pole is a demanding and sometimes brutal mistress. She demands dedication, training, and commitment. Changes in the weather make her unpredictable. Sometimes hot days and sweat mean slipping and sliding. Other times hot days mean grip that pulls and tears at your skin. On those days, the pole leaves kisses to remind you about what happens when you go on holidays for too long. PS I want to participate in #FebPhotoFest but honestly I don’t think I could get myself organised for five images per week. Good luck to those who are participating!!

By |2025-02-02T13:23:45-08:00February 2nd, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

On Numbers and Casual Encounters

When I first saw this meme, it irked me. I posted some comments on good old FB land, but my ideas were too complex to tie into a few short sentences. So let’s delve in. The Science Stuff Oxytocin is a hormone. For the non-nerds out there, hormones govern our body. They are chemicals that tell your organs when to speed up, slow down, turn on, or turn off. There are more hormones than just sex hormones. In fact, there are hormones involved with the working of every part of our body. Oxytocin is a hormone that is associated mainly with childbirth and lactation. It stimulates that contraction of the uterus to push the baby out during labour. It also stimulates the breast [...]

By |2025-01-31T14:59:29-08:00January 31st, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

Back to School

All over Australia, Young People are starting the new school year this week. Many of them are a bit like Mark. Photo by Quenani Leal on Pexels.com Ever since he was in kindergarten, Mark had hated the first day of the school year. When the alarm dragged him out of his sleep on the 29 January 2025, the only consolation was that it was the first morning of his senior year. Sun streamed through the window, promising another sticky late summer day.   As it was every day, his cock was hard and ready for action. Automatically, he reached down and stroked himself. His head filled with thoughts of the woman who lived across the street. She always seemed to be watering her [...]

By |2025-01-29T14:23:45-08:00January 29th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

Storm Sunset

In the land Down Under the weekend just gone was the Australia Day long weekend. The official national day is 26 January. Which gives cause for a public holiday. But, when the date is a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday is moved to the following Monday. Ta-dah! A long weekend. Something of a holy grail for Australians. Given that it is the middle of summer, camping is a VERY popular activity. So, with about half the population, we found a stream and booked a campsite with a large group of our friends. Sunday evening saw us watching several storms pass us by. Fortunately, we could watch them go by and enjoy the spectacular sunset they created without feeling the effects of wind, hail, [...]

By |2025-01-28T13:23:49-08:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

TMI Tuesday – Orgasms, Satisfaction and Mutual Pleasure

TMI Tuesday is no longer posting new questions. This set of questions is from the archives. If you would like to read the original post, you can view it here. Scroll down to check out the links to original responses in the comments section. 1. From erotica to sex blogs, everyone seems to be having intense orgasms. Do you feel like you are experiencing the same intense orgasmic waves everyone talks about? Once upon a time, I would have said no to this. In more recent times, I have had some experiences of intense, rolling orgasms. They aren’t an everyday occurrence. But sometimes when the planets align and I am fortunate enough to be in a situation with the right people I can [...]

By |2025-01-21T16:23:47-08:00January 21st, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments


In 2018, Mr Jones and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary by visiting Hawaii. We created many memories during the trip, but one which stayed with me was an up close encounter with some giant manta rays. For the remainder of the time, I was obsessed with them and ended up buying this bone carving from a local artist. Stunning isn’t it? Enjoy your week people! Don’t forget to click on the link below to see who else is sinning this Sunday.

By |2025-01-18T16:23:49-08:00January 18th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

Food For Thought Friday – Knowing Your Value

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels.com A swinger group I am part of recently posted the following question: Being able to say “no” in the lifestyle is important. What tips can you give to someone who finds it hard to say? I have written several times about consent on my page. You can read the summary of a rather pesky man who didn’t accept the word no here and here, (he really didn’t listen well). People who meet me in my classrooms or even just in casual dinner conversation would think that I was a strong-minded woman who doesn’t take shit from people. And, in some circumstances, they would be right. Truth is that I haven’t always been good at advocating for myself. In [...]

By |2025-01-16T16:23:56-08:00January 16th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

TMI Tuesday – Forbidden Fruit

This set of questions originally appeared on TMI Tuesday on November 12 2013. It has also been answered on the blog of JR Vincente. 1. Did any teachers in your high school have sex with a student? Did any students act out on a teacher crush? There was a rumor of a female staff member who “initiated” several older male students. I have no idea how much fact was the foundation of this rumor. Excited teenagers liked to repeat stories of tight skirts and flirtatious poses, but honestly, I don’t know. The Ex-Policeman however, did have a dalliance with his high school art teacher. She initiated it. He assures me that he would never have even known how to approach a woman like [...]

By |2025-01-13T14:23:49-08:00January 13th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments

The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Husband Do All the Femdom Chores in a Femdom Relationship

The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Husband Do All the Femdom Chores your house. In a femdom dynamic, control and authority are core principles. One of the most effective ways to assert dominance while ensuring an efficient and well-maintained household is to delegate all chores to your husband. By enforcing these responsibilities with a mix of discipline, structure, and rewards, you can create a harmonious dynamic where your needs are prioritized, and he feels fulfilled by serving you. Here’s how to make it happen: 1. Establishing Your Authority The first step is to set the tone of authority in your relationship. If your husband has agreed to a femdom lifestyle, he needs to understand that his primary role is to serve and [...]

Creekside Camping

It is summer in the land Down Under. Usually this means very hot and sometimes very humid days. Mr Jones and I took our new van out for a few days to a delightful spot near a creek. Despite the expected hot days, it was quite cool and rainy. The creek,, coming straight from the mountains, was quite cool, and we didn’t swim as much as we would have liked. It did provide a nice backdrop though.

By |2025-01-12T03:23:56-08:00January 12th, 2025|Categories: Discipline, Dommes, Husband Training|0 Comments