Perilously Close!

This afternoon Mistress and I retired to the bedroom for a little while, which came as a welcome break from the week of decorating that lies ahead of us. Mistress had a lovely orgasm on my tongue and then after I slid the cock ring on she soon had me rock hard. We kissed as she teased and stroked me, and she also rubbed the skin behind my balls which felt amazing!After a while she started to suck my cock as I fondled her ass and then she got up onto her hands and knees and swung her leg over my head. Ooooooooooooh! Seconds later she was standing over me, stroking my cock as I begged to be allowed to worship her delicious [...]

By |2024-06-27T18:30:29-07:00June 27th, 2024|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

The Surprising Benefits of Male Chastiity: Game-Changer for Men’s Mental Focus and Productivity

The 3 Pillars Of Our Free Training Program.Male chastity training – 12 steps/weeks to permanent male chastity Testosterone levels may increase: Research suggests that abstaining from sexual activity for a period of time can lead to a temporary increase in testosterone levels in males. This can result in heightened arousal and libido. Improved sperm quality: Studies have shown that refraining from ejaculation for a period of time can lead to an increase in sperm count and improved sperm motility. This can potentially increase fertility in men. Changes in brain chemistry: Sexual activity can lead to the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and oxytocin, which are associated with pleasure and bonding. When males refrain from sexual activity, there may be changes in [...]

Perilously Close!

This afternoon Mistress and I retired to the bedroom for a little while, which came as a welcome break from the week of decorating that lies ahead of us. Mistress had a lovely orgasm on my tongue and then after I slid the cock ring on she soon had me rock hard. We kissed as she teased and stroked me, and she also rubbed the skin behind my balls which felt amazing!After a while she started to suck my cock as I fondled her ass and then she got up onto her hands and knees and swung her leg over my head. Ooooooooooooh! Seconds later she was standing over me, stroking my cock as I begged to be allowed to worship her delicious [...]

By |2024-05-20T15:54:00-07:00May 20th, 2024|Categories: Chastity|Tags: |0 Comments

Sissygasm – What it is and how to have a sissygasm

What is a Sissygasm? A sissygasm, also known as a "sissy orgasm," is a specific type of orgasm that is achieved through submission and feminization. It is often experienced by men who enjoy taking on a more feminine role in the bedroom and experiencing pleasure in a different way. The concept of a sissygasm is closely related to the idea of a sissy, which is a term used to describe a man who enjoys dressing and acting in a traditionally feminine manner. Sissies often enjoy being dominated by women or other partners and find pleasure in being submissive and embracing their femininity. There are a few key components to achieving a sissygasm. One important aspect is the mental aspect of submission and [...]

Three Posts in a Day, What the Hell is Going On?

So I just noticed that the blog finally passed the four million views mark. That's pretty crazy... and it only took thirteen years - haha! But actually, we lost well over a million when I moved the blog to fetblogger and then came back, so it's actually five million... who'd have thunk it? Well it's been a journey of discovery, I'll say that... and there's obviously been times when there's been more to write about and times when there's been almost nothing to write about. I very much hope we can resurrect our Femdom Sessions again (at least we've done one already this year, even if it was a little rusty) and I have to say that today I do feel a little more [...]

By |2024-05-12T15:39:00-07:00May 12th, 2024|Categories: Chastity|Tags: |0 Comments

A Lost Comment… That Deserves Some Attention

I don't know exactly what happened, but on the 9th of April locoesclavo left a comment on my post "Another Year of Full Time Chastity Ends...". This is visible to me in the back pages of the blog, but not publicly visible for some reason. I only realised when I went to answer it and realised it wasn't in fact there. I don't really get this since if a comment is deleted it would still be 'there' but with 'this comment has been deleted' underneath it - unless I double delete it. But I certainly didn't do that.Anyway, since locoesclavo left such a long and interesting comment it seemed only fair to post it here and to respond to it..."Hello, I think I've said [...]

By |2024-05-12T09:44:00-07:00May 12th, 2024|Categories: Chastity|Tags: |0 Comments

Fifty Day Release.

Last week my most recent period of chastity came to an end after 50 days. I've been feeling very 'off' lately and so I've been using a cock ring for several weeks now. I haven't cum with a cock ring on for a very long time, so I'd forgotten how intense it was... Mistress kindly allowed me to worship her gorgeous ass while she stroked me to the edge... and then she let go. And just when I thought she was getting off me it seemed that she suddenly changed her mind and planted her delicious ass back on my face and started stroking me hard again. I tongued her ass for as long as I could... I wanted to make the most of [...]

By |2024-05-12T04:45:00-07:00May 12th, 2024|Categories: Chastity|Tags: |0 Comments

Male chastity training – 12 steps/weeks to permanent male chastity

Male chastity is a form of sexual play in which a man consensually agrees to give up control of his sexual pleasure to his partner, usually a female. There are a variety of reasons why a couple may choose to incorporate male chastity into their relationship. For the man, practicing male chastity can provide a sense of submission and surrender, which can be a highly erotic experience. By relinquishing control of his sexual urges to his partner, the man may feel a heightened sense of vulnerability and intimacy, strengthening the emotional bond between him and his partner. Additionally, by abstaining from sexual release, the man may experience increased sexual desire and arousal, leading to more intense and satisfying sexual encounters when he [...]

How to have a handsfree orgasm for men through only anal penetration

There are a few ways that a man can achieve a hands-free orgasm through anal penetration. One common method is through prostate stimulation, which can be achieved by using a prostate massager or having a partner stimulate the prostate manually. The prostate, also known as the male G-spot, is a highly sensitive erogenous zone that can produce intense pleasure when stimulated. Another method is to practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques during anal penetration. By focusing on the sensations in the body and letting go of any tension or anxiety, it may be possible to achieve orgasm without the need for manual stimulation. It is important to communicate with your partner and make sure that both parties are comfortable and consensual with the [...]

How to introduce male chastity to your wife

One effective way for a man to introduce male chastity to his wife is to have an open and honest conversation about his desires and feelings. It is important for him to express his reasons for wanting to explore chastity, whether it be for heightened arousal, to deepen emotional intimacy, or to explore power dynamics in the relationship. He should approach the topic with sensitivity and care, emphasizing that his desire to explore male chastity is not a reflection of any dissatisfaction with their relationship or her as a partner. It may be helpful to share resources or articles on the benefits of male chastity, and to assure her that their communication and mutual consent will be paramount throughout any exploration of [...]