We are using a browser caching system to speed up the website.  If you are a free member logged in and visit a product page to listen to it and it is not available to play you just need to refresh the page, so the proper version of the page loads.  Repeat this on any page you appear to be logged out on for the proper version of the page to load for you.

Clicking on the download now button DOES NOT DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT, it takes you to the subscribe page!!!!  You must click on the TITLE OF THE PRODUCT TO visit the PRODUCT PAGE to STREAM the product.  To download to your device, CLICK ON THE TITLE OF THE COMBOPACK PAGES!!!

Please do not contact support before trying this if you are having a problem.  99% of the emails that come in, people are clicking on the download button to download the product.  We use the download WORD to increase conversions to the gold membership sales page!!