Husband Training Affirmations – Housework Level 4

[usersultra_protect_content display_rule='logged_in_based' custom_message_loggedin='Only Logged in users can see the rest of this page. Login to the right, or Register to gain access.']Used on a husband that has graduated past the level 3 household chores. Start with his level 4 affirmations first here. After he has received 10 strikes to his bottom for those affirmations, you read these ones and strike him each time after you recite yours.  This will be for a total of 20 strikes to start each day with.  Of course at this point, add as many as you like for extra measure.  Make sure it hurts and he understands that you own him as property now. All housework is yours, and must be performed daily, naked, and chastised. When chores [...]