There’s something cute that my husband does sometimes in the morning. It happens if we are up at around the same time, and I am in the shower, and just getting out.

Sexy Teen Nikki Sims Nude in Shower 3

If that all lines up, first thing I see when I open the steamy door is him naked, on his knees, holding a big fluffy towel. I just stand there and he proceeds to thoroughly dry me off, including my more intimate areas. When he is finished he gets down on his hands and knees and kisses my feet. One reverential kiss on each foot. Then he sits back on his heels and looks up at me. His knees are spread and he is quite erect. I walk up to him and pull his head into my tummy and pat his hair and tell him what a good boy he is.

That’s how it’s supposed to happen!

The other day I got out of the shower and he was just standing there waiting to get in (!!!!).

“Heloo???? ” I said, dripping wet.

“Oh, sorry!” he said, turning around to get the towel.

Na ah.

We have a nice stout one piece bath brush. A relatively new acquisition. I grabbed that and made him turn towards the bathroom cabinet, leaning over and putting his hands on it and facing himself in the mirror. I was still wet and naked, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me.

I saw a nice fresh bar of ivory soap there on the sink. I grabbed that, lathered it up in my hands, and washed his mouth out with it. Then I stuck the bar into his mouth and made him hold it there. We could both see his face in the mirror. Lovely sight!

I picked up the bathbrush again, and gave him about 50 real zingers to his ass cheeks that had him bright red in no time.

Then, with the bar of soap still in his mouth, I threw a towel at him and stood there. He did his duty with the bar of soap in his mouth. I had not told him to remove it.

“Rinse your mouth out and then shower. Don’t let it happen again!” I told him with a smile and a wink.

Source: Strict Julie Spanks
